New feature
New product

Modo Energy v2.8

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • January 25, 2024

Get a deeper look at frequency response services

With the launch of the Enduring Auction Capability and resulting shifts in frequency response market clearing prices, it is more important than ever to have a view on these services.

We've launched new live dashboards for each frequency response service that show:

  • clearing prices
  • volumes cleared
  • and a breakdown of the merit order stack and total revenues by operator for each EFA block

Add asset operations to dashboards

Want a snapshot of a specific asset or to have a view on your entire portfolio? Revenue and physical operations for all Great Britain assets can now be added to custom dashboards.

Visualize revenues for any forecast

With studies, you can quickly see what revenues look like for each forecast (for both Modo runs and your custom runs) - all without leaving the Modo platform. Studies compare the revenues generated from either a merchant-only strategy or a merchant and ancillary strategy.

Simply click on any run in the forecast library to see the revenue study.

New: Power Price Forecast

We have now released our half-hourly power price forecasts for 6 different macroeconomic scenarios: 1 central case, 2 high cases, and 3 low cases.

These forecasts allow you to explore the prices behind our BESS revenue predictions and use the same power price forecasts for assets across your portfolio.

Interested in how your business can leverage these new forecasts?

EPEX, N2EX and Elexon data available as downloadable files

To make it even easier to access these datasets, we have made them available as downloadable files (in addition to being available on the Modo Energy API).

We recommend ensuring you are logged in before you download so you can monitor the status of the files being prepared - especially if you are downloading across long date ranges.