The Energy Academy: ERCOT

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • March 22, 2024

Everything you need to know about ERCOT

Looking for an introduction to electricity markets in ERCOT? Need to get new team members up to speed? We've got you covered.

In this season of The Energy Academy, Brandt Vermillion (Modo Energy's ERCOT Market Lead) dives into the makeup of ERCOT's markets for buying and selling power.

Across ten short, easily digestible episodes, you'll learn about:

- ERCOT's place within North America's power grid.
- Its roles and responsibilities as the system operator.
- How all of the major players interact with each other.
- The mechanics behind longer-term power contracts.
- How Locational Marginal Prices are formed in ERCOT.
- Day-Ahead and Real-Time operations and markets.
- The functions of ERCOT's main Ancillary Services.
- And much, much more

Modo Energy v2.12

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • March 21, 2024

Learn how specific batteries are generating revenues with Balancing Reserve

Balancing Reserve revenues can now be analyzed over time on an asset-by-asset basis, allowing you to see exactly how batteries are leveraging this new service.

Find data faster with breadcrumbs

As more data sets have been added to Plotter, it can take longer to navigate to find what you are looking for. New breadcrumbs allow you to move back up the path you came from with 1 click.

Have a view of the entire year

The default view for plotter has been updated to show a full year rather than a single day. If you still want to look at data for a single day, you can easily change this back with the date picker.

Explore Elexon data right in Excel

We have finished updating our downloadable library of Excel files to contain data from Elexon's Insights Real-Time Information Service (IRIS). These files are free to download for all users.

Save time by downloading multiple forecasts at once

Download as many custom forecasts or preset runs from the Modo library as you would like - all at once.

Modo Energy v2.11

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • March 07, 2024

Understand how batteries are generating revenue with the new Balancing Reserve service

The new Balancing Reserve service is launching on March 12, and the GB BESS index has been updated to now include battery revenue from this service.

Note: As this is a day-ahead auction, the earliest that revenues will appear in the index is March 13.

Manage and compare all your revenue forecasts in one place

Trying to compare forecasts from multiple sources? You can now upload any revenue forecast into Modo and compare it to other revenue forecasts using studies.

Add multiple runs to a study at once to compare revenue forecasts faster

Either add runs individually or select up to 5 runs to add to a study at once.

Find the exact forecast you need with powerful filters

New filters for BESS revenue forecasts allow you to find the forecasts you are looking for faster than ever.

Explore ERCOT load

You can now visualize ERCOT load alongside the BESS index and wind & solar generation.

Want to discuss any of these releases with our product team? Book a call to let us know your thoughts.

New feature
Product update

Modo Energy v2.10

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • February 22, 2024

Compare forecasted revenues across various specifications

With studies, compare BESS revenues across both a merchant-only or merchant and ancillary services strategy for up to 5 forecasts at a time - all without needing to download a single file.

Both preset runs and custom runs can be visualized through studies.

Explore GB & ERCOT BESS indices, intraday & day ahead prices, and ERCOT system activity in plotter

With 5 new data sets added to the plotter, you can visualize even more of what is happening in the market - and save the views you look at the most.

Save an unlimited number of custom charts

Our users have already seen significant time savings from saving the charts they use every day. So, we have decided to remove the limit on how many charts users can save.

Forward curves now available to download as excel files

Access forward curves in a way that best suits you, now available through the API or as an excel file.

Visualize BOAs split by fuel type

Available to add to any custom dashboard, this new split shows how batteries and other assets are dispatched within the balancing mechanism.

New feature

Modo Energy v2.9

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • February 12, 2024

View net revenues on the Leaderboard

Recently, the Enduring Auction Capability introduced negative ancillary service prices, causing an increase in negative revenues for batteries.

With the increase in negative revenues, looking at net revenue has become more important, and you can now toggle the leaderboard to view assets' net revenues.

Negative revenue shown in the Directory

When looking at any assets revenue breakdown, you will now clearly see both their negative and positive revenues to have a better view of overall performance.

Unlock a narrative view of how market changes impact future revenues with the GB BESS Outlook

With the articles and videos available in the GB BESS Outlook, you will now understand how revenue forecasts are impacted by market events. With this, you will have a regularly updated view for input into your strategic decision-making.

EPEX Live prices and Forward Power Curve available as CSVs for downloads

Previously only available through the Modo API, these data sets can now be downloaded as a CSV to make them easier for you and your team to use.

New recipe to make API use even easier

GB Hourly BESS Index

Looking to create a custom BESS index? Transform Asset Operations data into an hourly index with our new recipe.

New feature
New product

Modo Energy v2.8

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • January 25, 2024

Get a deeper look at frequency response services

With the launch of the Enduring Auction Capability and resulting shifts in frequency response market clearing prices, it is more important than ever to have a view on these services.

We've launched new live dashboards for each frequency response service that show:

  • clearing prices
  • volumes cleared
  • and a breakdown of the merit order stack and total revenues by operator for each EFA block

Add asset operations to dashboards

Want a snapshot of a specific asset or to have a view on your entire portfolio? Revenue and physical operations for all Great Britain assets can now be added to custom dashboards.

Visualize revenues for any forecast

With studies, you can quickly see what revenues look like for each forecast (for both Modo runs and your custom runs) - all without leaving the Modo platform. Studies compare the revenues generated from either a merchant-only strategy or a merchant and ancillary strategy.

Simply click on any run in the forecast library to see the revenue study.

New: Power Price Forecast

We have now released our half-hourly power price forecasts for 6 different macroeconomic scenarios: 1 central case, 2 high cases, and 3 low cases.

These forecasts allow you to explore the prices behind our BESS revenue predictions and use the same power price forecasts for assets across your portfolio.

Interested in how your business can leverage these new forecasts?

EPEX, N2EX and Elexon data available as downloadable files

To make it even easier to access these datasets, we have made them available as downloadable files (in addition to being available on the Modo Energy API).

We recommend ensuring you are logged in before you download so you can monitor the status of the files being prepared - especially if you are downloading across long date ranges.

New feature

Modo Energy v2.7

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • January 10, 2024

Access a truly real-time EPEX M7 API

With Modo Energy's new intraday price endpoints from the EPEX M7 API, you can now access true, real-time prices - updated instantly as every new trade occurs.

Similar to the rest of our developer-friendly API, these new endpoints enable you to have your program up and running within minutes of starting your build.

Ready to start exploring the new endpoints?

Want more details about Modo Data Pro or our API?

Company News

Modo Energy becomes B Corp Certified

Q avatar
Shared by Q • December 20, 2023

At Modo Energy, we’re helping our users transform the energy industry - enabling them to finance, own, and operate the assets that will unlock net zero.

But, this is only one piece of the puzzle on the journey toward a more sustainable future for our planet.

If we are to create a more inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy, we also need to transform the way we do business.

That’s why we are thrilled to announce that we are now a Certified B Corporation. This reflects our commitment to using business as a force for good, and to balancing profit with purpose.

What is B Corp Certification?

B Corp Certification means that a company has been verified as meeting B Lab’s high standards for social and environmental impact, accountability, and transparency.

It also requires a legal commitment to stakeholder governance - in other words, a “triple bottom line” of profit, people, and planet. This enables businesses to build their mission and values into their operations, and to preserve that mission as they scale.

There are now more than 1500 B Corps in the UK, and over 7000 worldwide, including the likes of Patagonia, Ben & Jerry's, and The Body Shop - so we're in great company!

Our journey to becoming a B Corp

The process of becoming B Corp Certified was rigorous, requiring a comprehensive assessment of our business model, and of our social and environmental practices.

Over the course of an 18-month assessment period, we worked to ensure that Modo Energy not only meets but exceeds the stringent criteria set by B Lab.

Businesses need a minimum of 80 points in the assessment to qualify for certification - here's how we did:

Overall score - 97.3

Governance - 16.8

Workers - 31.8

Community - 21.7

Environment - 2.7

Customers - 24.1

What are we doing as a B Corp?

There's still plenty of work to be done to ensure we have a lasting positive social and environmental impact as a business, but here are a few steps we've taken since starting our B Corp journey:

  1. Environmental stewardship: We have implemented sustainable practices across our operations - including monitoring our carbon footprint, and encouraging the use of local suppliers.
  2. Employee well-being: We prioritize a positive and inclusive workplace culture that fosters growth, development, and job satisfaction. This includes regular salary reviews, company-wide offsites, and plenty of opportunities for feedback and collaboration.
  3. Community engagement: We seek to actively contribute to the communities in which we operate. This includes supporting local initiatives and organizations that align with our values, such as the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust, the London Wildlife Trust, and Let’s Feed Brum.

What’s next?

While this is a significant accomplishment, it’s not the end of our journey. Modo Energy remains committed to continuous improvement and innovation, exploring new ways to make a positive impact on people and the planet.

If you want to read more about our progress so far and our plans for the future, look out for our upcoming Impact Report 2023, in which we offer a fully transparent evaluation of our social and environmental performance over the last financial year, and set out our goals for the year ahead.

Modo Energy's B Corp Certification is a celebration of our shared commitment to building a better world. Together (with you!), we hope to drive positive change.

We’re far from perfect - but we know that our customers, our suppliers, our investors, and our team members will continue to hold us to account as we strive to balance the needs of people and planet with our wider business goals.

New feature
Product update

Modo Energy v2.6

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • December 14, 2023

ERCOT Assets now available in Modo Directory

We have brought ERCOT assets into the directory, so you can easily view and compare how batteries are being commercialised in this market. View:

  • Project details
  • Revenue operations
  • Physical operations
  • and more...

Save your custom charts

Since the release of the plotter, it has quickly become one of our most popular features and we know why. You can now visualise comparisons between any Modo data in seconds.

And even better? After making your chart, you can now save this so you can quickly view it the next time you login.

New feature
Product update

Modo Energy v2.5

Michelle avatar
Shared by Michelle • November 30, 2023

Forecast revenue for any GB battery asset

Forecasting revenue for your battery assets doesn't need to take weeks.

You can now generate a custom revenue forecast in 1 business day with the exact specifications of your planned projects. Options to customise across:

  • 14 locations within GB
  • Duration (up to 10h)
  • Macro scenario
  • And more…

Consistent with existing runs in the Modo Energy forecasting library, all custom runs will show monthly revenue forecasts from the project start date out to 2050.

Each custom run uses 1 credit, which can be purchased individually or in bulk depending on your needs.

New downloadable data sets

Over the next 8 weeks, all of the data currently available over the API will be available through downloadable data sets. Some of the new data sets live now include:

Small but mighty updates:

  • Balancing Mechanism charts highlighting bids & offers have updated colours to match the industry standard
  • Monthly leaderboard data now available via the API
  • Data behind Balancing Mechanism market screen is now available via the API